Publishing Your Podcast

(Note these instructions begin after your have successfully "Exported" your Audacity project as an mp3 file and it is located on your Desktop or a flash drive. You may need to download a plugin in order to export as an mp3.)

After you have finished editing your podcast in Audacity and have exported it to your desktop, add the file to your iTunes library.

Inside of iTunes, edit the information of the file by going to “Get info.”

This is important because the data you enter here will appear when your podcast eventually appears in iTunes!
For name and author enter your short story author's name and title. List the members of your group under the "Composer" field.

Now, drag and drop your newly tagged file back to your desktop.

Rename your mp3 file using a short simple title with no spaces, specical characters, or caps, that makes sense to you--this will not be seen by listeners. For my short story podcasts I named them "lilw.mp3" or "wdyd.mp3".

In order for your podcast to be broadcast across the web, it needs to hosted somewhere on the internet. You can do this through the "public_html" folder of your SSES file server space.

Upload your mp3 file to the public folder of your SSES file server space.

(If you do not know how to access your personal server, see me or a classmate or Brian Gray.) 

The URL for this public file will be something like (with the underlined portions replaced by your specific info):


(where "first.lastname" is your first name and last name separated by a period, and "projecttitle" is your project title)

Finally, enter the public URL in link field of your blog post on Blogger.